Pubblicato il 23 Marzo 2020
To our Valued Customers,
As you may have learned from the latest news, on March 22nd the Italian government decided to further restrict movements inside the country and shut down non-essential factories and businesses in the attempt to contain the spread of the Covid-19.
These escalating measures came after a critical week in our country and across the entire Europe with lots of casualties.
The new decree, however, allows essential and strategic activities to continue their operations and among these, plastic packaging and the related supply chains are deemed “of essence”.
Therefore we at Giflor continue to produce and we do it at full speed, as we feel the commitment towards the community who is in urgent need of sanitizers, anti-bacterial gels and all personal hygiene products that are requested in huge volumes in the current emergency situation.
Doing the right thing for society and all people counting on us: with this spirit in mind, we have also been able to extend operations during the weekends (7/7) thanks to the amazing, valuable and generous support of our workforce pulling up their sleeves in these difficult days and working even harder than usual to do their part. We are all engaged, in heart and mind, in making sure that our clients receive those fundamental packaging components that allow food and hygiene products to be available on the shelves at supermarkets and pharmaceutical stores.
Taking the right decision means having our team members at the top of our priorities: we confirm having adopted all possible safety measures to secure the protection of the health of our employees while performing their tasks inside our factory, our offices and during delivery procedures; all this in compliance with the recommendations for Coronavirus enforced during these challenging times by the Italian government and Ministry of Health.
Taking the right decision means also encouraging our teams to work from home: in the last couple of weeks we have been able to secure sales and post-sales services with the same, usual high quality level from smart-working remote stations; for this important effort we also thank our teams who are currently serving our valuable clients from home.
Fully aware of the unparalleled crisis we are going through, we remark once again that we will do all we can to guarantee our best performance and services and continue to be “an essential part of the daily life of millions of people”, as our corporate mission highlights.
In this regard and with all our commitment already in place, we would like to underline, however, that we are not able right now to exclude potential disruptions deriving from the raw material industry as well as from transportation, which are also being challenged by the current situation. We are closing monitoring the international evolution hoping our supply chain continues to perform smoothly.
To this extent we would also invite you to inform us in due time, should your factory and warehouse plan to shut down in the coming week/s.
Thanking you for the valuable cooperation, we remain with our best regards emphasizing that “#noicisiamo” “#wearethere”.
Kind regards
The Direction of Giflor Closure Technologies
Grumolo delle Abbadesse, March 23rd 2020
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