Published 9 November 2021

Dear Valued Customer,

We would like to inform you that Giflor Closure Technology will be closed for winter holidays from December 24th to January 7th , 2021 inclusive (week 51/2021-Week 1/2022).

Please, note the following important information:

  • As for Ex Works Incoterms, the last loading day is December 22nd, 2021; while the first loading day is January 10th, 2022.
  • As for shipments along the EU territory organized by Giflor: the last day of shipment is December 21st, while the first day for shipment after the holidays is January 21st.

Exceptions will be considered for specific destinations upon request.

For all above-mentioned reasons, we kindly invite you to check your product requirements up to Week 4/2022 as soon as possible and let us have your potential POs in due time, so that we can schedule production and delivery on time during the holidays.

Confident in your understanding and valuable cooperation, we forward our kindest regards,

Best regards,
Giflor’s Customer Service Team

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